Seneste annoncer fra Aarhus og omegn

Job tilbydes:
Konsulent til fagforeningen DM
Er du god til ansættelsesret, men vil gerne blive endnu bedre? Vil du have et job med solid jura, spændende rådgivningssamtaler og gode arbejdsvilkår? Så er det måske dig, vi søger som konsulent til Forhandling og Rådgivning. DM er en fagforening i vækst, og vi søger lige nu en konsulent, der vil kæmpe for at sikre vores medlemmer de bedst mulige løn- og arbejdsvilkår, og som får energi af at yde en kompetent rådgivning sammen med sine kollegaer. Som konsulent bliver du en del af vores stærke team i Forhandling og Rådgivning, der har medarbejdere både i Aarhus og på Frederiksberg. Vi er ca. 50 medarbejdere i afdelingen og vi varetager DM’s medlemssager om arbejds- og ansættelsesret. Afdelingen består af Team Jura, Team Offentlig, Team Privat, Team Uddannelse og Forskning og Team Tillidsvalgte. Den ledige stilling er i udgangspunktet i Team Privat.Dine opgaverSom konsulent kan dine opgaver bl.a. være:Telefonisk og skriftlig rådgivning af vores medlemmer og tillidsrepræsentanter om ansættelsesmæssige, overenskomstmæssige og arbejdsretlige forholdVaretagelse af medlemssager om afskedigelse, arbejdstid, ændrede ansættelsesvilkår mm.Forhandling med arbejdsgivere i medlemssager Kollektive forhandlinger med arbejdsgivereAfholdelse af oplæg og undervisning af medlemmer, tillidsrepræsentanter og kolleger om arbejdsvilkår og arbejdsretlige emner, bl.a. ved møder på medlemmernes arbejdspladserDeltagelse i udviklingsprojekter på tværs af organisationen.Hvem er du? Vi ser gerne, at du:Har en relevant kandidatuddannelse, f.eks. cand.jur. eller cand.merc.jur.  Har lyst til og mod på tæt medlemskontakt – indimellem i et højt tempoHar interesse for forhandling af både individuelle og kollektive aftalerHar lyst til at tage ansvar og har veludviklede samarbejdsevnerEr god til at formulere dig i både skrift og tale – også på engelskHar politisk tæft og ved, hvad det vil sige at begå sig i en politisk ledet organisation.Du må også meget gerne have erfaring med det arbejds- og ansættelsesretlige område, evt. fra en studenterstilling.Vi tilbyder: Faglig udvikling, gode rammeforhold og skønne kollegaer I DM får du et udfordrende job på en arbejdsplads i bevægelse og med medlemsvækst. Vi sørger for, at du får en god introduktion til dine nye arbejdsopgaver og til DM som arbejdsplads. Stillingen er på 37 timer om ugen og ønskes besat hurtigst muligt.Vi tilbyder gode løn- og ansættelsesvilkår efter intern overenskomst.Dit tjenestested vil være enten Åboulevarden 23, 8000 Aarhus eller Peter Bangs Vej 30, 2000 Frederiksberg.  Vil du vide mere om stillingen,…  … er du velkommen til at kontakte teamchef Tina Andersen på tlf.: 38156651/mail: Vil du vide mere om forholdene som ansat i DM, kan du kontakte tillidsrepræsentant Jan Gloggengieser Gam på tlf. 3913 1067/mail: Ansøgning Send din ansøgning og dit CV til os på nedenstående link senest d. 08. december 2024DM opfatter mangfoldighed som et aktiv. Vi opfordrer derfor alle kvalificerede til at søge stillingen, uanset etnisk baggrund, køn, seksuel orientering, funktionsnedsættelse, religion eller alder.For at være med til at sikre en retfærdig rekrutteringsproces og minimere bias, bedes du undlade at tilføje et billede i dit CV eller ansøgning. Vi vil også bede dig om ikke at notere din alder eller fødselsdato.Om DM DM er en fagforening med mere end 80.000 medlemmer på det akademiske arbejdsmarked. DM arbejder for et samfund, der muliggør et bæredygtigt arbejdsliv, og for at sikre de bedste løn- og arbejdsvilkår og et stærkt fagligt handlerum for medlemmerne.
Indrykket 20. november på JobNet
Job tilbydes:
Research Administration Manager
Are you ready to support researchers working with CO2 capture and conversion technologies? Join us at the Novo Nordisk Foundation CO2 Research Center (CORC) on our mission to make global, societal impact via developing novel science for CO2 capture and conversion for storage or utilization to replace fossil carbon and fossil fuel‐intensive processes with sustainable, CO2‐based technologies. We are looking for a Research Administration Manager to join our team from 1 February 2025, or as soon as possible. Expected start date and duration of employmentThis is a permanent position starting on 1 February 2025, or as soon as possible. Job descriptionThe Research Administration Manager, will be:Main driver of the CORC’s ‘open call’ process:Advising applicants on grants processes upon inquiriesCarrying out the administrative steps of the grants processesManaging the administration related to the scientific grant committees in collaboration with the teamManaging administration of CORC-financed research projects (budgeting, support in drafting contracts, following up on contracts, etc.)Carrying out research administration of the center in general, such as:Managing and driving reporting processes to the Novo Nordisk Foundation (collecting data and submitting data in ResearchFish)Administration related to research gatherings and meetingsThe Research Administration Manager is a newly established position and will be a key member of the team working on research administration. The Research Administration Manager will be part of the CORC HQs team based at Aarhus University and will be working closely with the center’s scientific coordinators, in particular.The immediate need will be supporting the ‘open call’ grants processes. Part of CORC’s strategic funding is reserved for ‘open calls’, which is an opportunity for researchers world-wide to apply for funding for their novel research ideas within a number of themes that will be announced in the near future. The Research Administration Manager will play a key role in operating the open call process, together with colleagues.Depending on the candidate’s profile, the role has the potential to develop over time. Examples of potential future areas that the candidate might work with:Management related to external funding (coordinating and writing large grant proposals, e.g. for Horizon Europe)Research project administration related to legal matters (e.g. Intellectual Property Right (IPR)) or administration related to collaboration agreements Your profileWe are looking for a candidate who:has solid experience with research administration and grants processes (either from the applicant side at a university or from a foundation).is a strong and clear communicator in English in both writing and speaking, fitting easily into an international environment. (Danish skills is an advantage, but not a requirement).has project management experience with a capacity to oversee tasks and drive development and results, both individually and as part of a eager to proactively take lead on activities supporting researchers.We are open to various backgrounds for this position. Among other relevant qualifications includes:Experience with funding (developing larger research proposals)Experience with managing research budgetsExperience with legal matters related to research administration (e.g. Public Administration Law) Who we areThe Novo Nordisk Foundation CO2 Research Center (CORC) was established in 2022 and is a mission‐oriented center based at Aarhus University. The center’s purpose is to develop novel science and early technologies for carbon capture and conversion for storage or utilization. The center comprises 16 research groups at Aarhus University and Stanford University (US), University of Tübingen (DE), University of Copenhagen (DK), Technical University of Denmark (DK), and Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (DE). In total, the center encompasses a wide range of researchers, spanning across Ph.D. students, postdocs and principal investigators.You will be part of the CORC HQs team at Aarhus University, currently consisting of 9 colleagues. And we look forward to welcoming more colleagues to the team in the near future.See more on here. What we offerThis section may include topics such as:The department/centre offers:a well-developed research infrastructure, laboratories and access to shared equipmentan exciting interdisciplinary environment with many national, international and industrial collaboratorsa work environment encouraging lively, open and critical discussiona work environment with close working relationships, networking and social activitiesa workplace characterised by professionalism, equality and a healthy work-life balance Place of work and area of employmentThe place of work is at Gustav Wieds Vej 10c, 8000 Aarhus C, and the area of employment is Aarhus University with affiliated institutions. Contact informationFor further information, please contact: Head of Operations, Anita Friis Sommer, +4593517771 DeadlineApplications must be received no later than 11 December 2024.Interviews are planned to take place during January 2025. Formalities and salary rangeSalary and terms as agreed between the Danish Ministry of Taxation and the Confederation of Professional Unions.Depending on your experience, skills, and education level, the employment will be as an academic employee or specialist consultant.Aarhus University’s ambition is to be an attractive and inspiring workplace for all and to foster a culture in which each individual has opportunities to thrive, achieve and develop. We view equality and diversity as assets, and we welcome all applicants.The application must be submitted via Aarhus University’s recruitment system, which can be accessed under the job advertisement on Aarhus University's website.Aarhus University Aarhus University is an academically diverse and research-intensive university with a strong commitment to high-quality research and education and the development of society nationally and globally. The university offers an inspiring research and teaching environment to its 38,000 students (FTEs) and 8,300 employees, and has an annual revenues of EUR 935 million. Learn more at
Aarhus Universitet
Indrykket 20. november på JobNet
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Mattias Sundroos
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