Aarhus University is seeking a head of the Department of Geosciences at the Faculty of Natural Sciences


BEMÆRK: Ansøgningsfristen er overskredet

Do you want to become the new head at the department of Geoscience? The department aims to be among the leading geoscience institutions in Europe, and to contribute with sustainable solutions to global challenges related to, for example, water, energy, and climate.

We are looking for an inspiring and engaged leader who can ensure a strong focus on securing a high quality and coherence in research, teaching, career development and innovation at the department.

Your responsibilities

You will refer to the dean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and you will be part of the faculty management team, and thus be expected to contribute to the overall direction of the faculty, as the faculty management team has the overall responsibility for the Faculty of Natural Sciences’ departments and centres.

You will be the AU internal and external face of the department, and under the authority of the AU rector and the dean of the faculty of natural sciences. You will be in charge of academic, financial and personnel-related matters, including the planning and allocation of job responsibilities.

Your tasks will primarily consist of:

  • In collaboration with the scientific and technical staff develop the strategic framework for research, education, recruitment, career development and internationalization.
  • Be a member of the Faculty Management Team who sets the overall direction for the faculty.
  • Ensure an open, inclusive, and trusting work environment with a high degree of diversity and equality for employees and students.
  • Responsibility for students including communication, the study environment and student well-being.
  • Manage the personnel leadership of the department, including occupational health and safety, recruitment, and the creation of a conducive environment for competence and career development.
  • Ensure quality, coherence, and development in the department´s activities related to education, teaching, research, knowledge dissemination, innovation, and business collaboration.
  • Build bridges to the business sector, public institutions, and private foundations to increase external research funding and collaboration.
  • Responsible for the department´s finances and compliance with the budget in a complex organization.

Your leadership style and personality

  • You are a motivational and unifying leader who understands how to manage a complex organisation with many stakeholders.
  • You have the authority to secure organisational cohesion between academic environments.
  • You are visionary and strategic, with an eye for the future needs of our society for research, counselling and education.
  • You are capable of generating synergy and you are a strong bridge-builder across disciplines and in close collaboration with the outside world.
  • You have personal authority and integrity.
  • You are skilled at creating a good collaborative environment and strengthening collaboration across the organisation, i.e. both within the department, and with other relevant departments as well as within the faculty management board.
  • You communicate clearly and credibly (in both Danish and English) with respect for others and with propriety.
  • You are a loyal management colleague and team player, and you are aware of your personal responsibilities and authority.
  • You value the physical and psychological working environment.

Your experience and academic competences

  • You have solid experience within the university sector and academic environments.
  • You have a genuine interest in personnel management of scientific, technical, and administrative personnel.
  • You are an internationally recognised researcher.
  • You have strategic management skills via fundraising and recruitment.
  • You have insight into national and international trends in the subject areas at the department.
  • AU has active focus on equality diversity and inclusivity, and it expects applicants also to have an interest in working with this part of the culture and to have constructive suggestions for how to attract and develop talents from underrepresented groups.

The Department of Geosciences

The Department of Geoscience has a strong research profile spanning a broad range of geological and geophysical disciplines divided into four areas: Deep Earth Systems, Water, Climate & Environment, and Energy & Natural Resources. The four areas are all concerned with gaining a deeper understanding of the geological processes and the Earth's systems, so that we can contribute with solutions to some of the problems that society faces. In all four main areas, the focus is on a sustainable future, and we deal with topics such as clean drinking water, mapping climate changes, sustainable energy and mining and carbon capture and storage.

The department consists of approximately 27 academic staff, 27 technical and administrative staff, 14 PhD students and 130 Bachelor and Master’s students.

The place of employment will be at Høegh Guldbergs Gade 2, 8000 Aarhus C.
Read more about the Department of Geosciences here. www.geo.au.dk

Faculty of Natural Sciences

Aarhus University is recognized as one of the world´s best universities, and the Faculty of Natural Sciences has serval internationally leading research environments. The ambition is to expand the faculty´s position of strength as well as to develop new ones – in interaction with the outside world and across disciplines. The faculty´s primary activities cover research, education and business collaboration within the fields of biology, physics, astronomy, chemistry, geology, mathematics, computer science, molecular biology and nanoscience.

The Faculty of Natural Sciences has strong and international basic research environments that address major societal challenges. There is also a proud tradition of communicating scientific contexts and insights to policymakers and the general public. The faculty comprises seven departments, a department-like center, a graduate school, and several research centers. There is also a number of interdisciplinary centers and initiatives across Aarhus University. The Faculty of Natural Sciences is one of five faculties at Aarhus University and has approx. 3,300 students and 1,400 employees. Learn more at www.nat.au.dk

Appointment procedure

If you have any questions regarding the position, you are welcome to contact: Erik Østergaard Jensen, Acting Dean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences, at email: dean.nat@au.dk or mobile: +45 2899 2567 + or Consultant Vibeke Rosenbeck from Rosenbecks at e-mail: vibeke@rosenbecks.dk or mobile: +45 3148 4740.

You are welcome to send your thoughts and ideas regarding the department's development over the next few years in your application, along with your CV and a list of your publications.

The recruitment takes place in collaboration with Rosenbecks. Interviews are planned for week 17 (1st interview) and possibly in week 18 (2nd interview).
Applicants invited for a second interview will be expected to participate in a leadership profile test after the first interview.

According to the University Act and the university's by-laws, the employment procedure must ensure that the head of department has academic and managerial legitimacy. Therefore, an advisory committee has been set up to advise the Dean on which candidates are to be invited to an interview. The advisory committee consists of academic staff, technical/administrative staff and students.

Application deadline: 20 March 2024.
Expected start date: 1 June 2024.


Formalities and salary range

Employment is on terms under collective agreements and subject to the collective bargaining agreement for academics employed by the state concluded between the Ministry of Finance and the Danish Confederation of Professional Associations (AC), including the circular on heads of department and deans at the universities.

The employment is a fixed-term appointment in accordance with the principles in the circular on limited tenure in the Danish state. The tenure is for three to six years, most likely six years, and with the option of extension for up to a further three years.
An agreement on a scientific fallback employment option is possible.

Aarhus University’s ambition is to be an attractive and inspiring workplace for all and to foster a culture in which each individual has opportunities to thrive, achieve and develop. We view equality and diversity as assets, , and all interested candidates are encouraged to apply, regardless of their personal background. Aarhus University is a signatory of the Danish government’s charter regarding the appointment of more women in management. Both women and men are encouraged to apply. No one will have priority, and all applicants will be assessed in accordance with the requirement profile for the position.

The application must be submitted via Aarhus University’s recruitment system, which can be accessed under the job advertisement on Aarhus University's website.


Aarhus University

Aarhus University is an academically diverse and research-intensive university with a strong commitment to high-quality research and education and the development of society nationally and globally. The university offers an inspiring research and teaching environment to its 38,000 students (FTEs) and 8,300 employees, and has an annual revenues of EUR 935 million. Learn more at www.international.au.dk/


- Arbejdspladsen ligger i:

Aarhus Kommune

-Virksomheden tilbyder:


Aarhus Universitet, Høegh-Guldbergs Gade 2, 8000 Aarhus C


Ansøgningsfrist: 20-03-2024; - ansøgningsfristen er overskredet

Se mere her: https://job.jobnet.dk/CV/FindWork/Details/5988357

Denne artikel er skrevet af Emilie Bjergegaard og data er automatisk hentet fra eksterne kilder, herunder JobNet.
Kilde: JobNet