Maternity cover for Pedagogue assistant at International Day Nursery – Aarhus in Frederiksbjerg District


BEMÆRK: Ansøgningsfristen er overskredet

About the job:
The International Day Nursery - Aarhus is looking for a maternity cover for a pedagogue assistant (35 hours/week), who wants to be part of creating a high-quality learning environment, where English is the common language for children, parents and staff. The International Day Nursery for children aged 0-3 years is based on the Danish day care tradition and has ‘The strengthened pedagogical curriculum’ as a framework for the pedagogical practice.

The International Day Nursery is the first of its kind in Aarhus. Oral and written communication is in English, and the same applies to practice, which is why candidates must be able to communicate effortlessly in English.

You will be part of a team with 3 pedagogues and 1 other assistant. As part of this team, you will have the opportunity, to make your mark on the daily environment into which we will welcome new children and their parents.

The pedagogical leader of Vuggestuen Marselis Boulevard holds managerial responsibility for the International Day Nursery, but there is also a department manager, who shares responsibility on a number of areas. 

Personal Qualifications:

You enjoy working and playing with young children.
Proficient in oral and written communication in English.
Willing to learn about and follow the Danish day care tradition.
You wish to be part of a team where open communication and teamwork is key.
Able to show initiative and take responsible for your own practice.
Able to be flexible with regards to the operation of the day nursery.
Experience in working with young children preferred, but not essential.

For more information:
You are welcome to contact The Internationale Day Nursery 23743307 or pedagogical leader Ulla Maarslet Kristensen,, 4185 7513.

Click on "Ansøg" below to fill out and submit your application. All boxes with * must be filled in. Only when you have received a receipt per. email, we have received your application.
Application deadline 17th of December 2023 - Interviews will be held in week 2 2024
Start date on 1st of February 2024

About us
The International Day Nursery is located at Marselis Boulevard 50, and we work closely with the Danish nursery next door. The nursery is part of Frederiksbjerg Day Care District, which consists of a total of 9 departments. The 24 children in the nursery are divided into 2 groups, but the teams work closely together on a day-to-day basis. As an international nursery with many bilingual children, we focus on working with different cultures and language development. We are located near the centre of Aarhus, but also close to the beach and forest.

Your job will be to ensure an everyday life for the children full of content, development and care.

You need to work well in a team as well as independently, taking initiative and creating activities.
You have to make use of your own skills and reflect on your own practice as well as that of your colleagues, with a focus on common learning - “What do I need to learn so that the child can learn”..
You must be open and willing to collaborate with parents, who are unfamiliar with Danish culture and the Danish day care system.

Om Aarhus Kommune
Aarhus Kommune er Jyllands største arbejdsplads, hvor 28.000 professionelle og passionerede kollegaer hver dag arbejder for at gøre visioner til virkelighed og skabe værdi for borgere og samfundet omkring os. Vi er en arbejdsplads, der vægter faglighed og samarbejde højt og vi tror på, at vores forskelligheder er med til at gøre Aarhus for en god by for alle.   

Sammen arbejder vi for en bæredygtig og inkluderende by, hvor både ansatte, borgere, virksomheder og naturen kan trives og blomstre. Vi har ambitioner for byen – og for dig. Kom og vær med!





- Arbejdspladsen ligger i:

Aarhus Kommune

-Virksomheden tilbyder:

Tidsbegrænset ansættelse: deltid (35-35 timer ugentligt)


Aarhus Kommune, Marselis Boulevard 50, 8000 Aarhus C


Ansøgningsfrist: 17-12-2023; - ansøgningsfristen er overskredet

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Denne artikel er skrevet af Emilie Bjergegaard og data er automatisk hentet fra eksterne kilder, herunder JobNet.
Kilde: JobNet