American History Professor with Global Focus - Join Us at Aarhus University


BEMÆRK: Ansøgningsfristen er overskredet

Tenure-track Assistant Professor or Tenured Associate Professor of American History with a Global Focus

The School of Communication and Culture at Aarhus University invitesapplications for the position of either tenure-track assistant professor ortenured associate professor of American history with a global focus based atthe Department of English.

The tenure-track assistant professorship begins with a full-time, five-yearappointment as an assistant professor with a view to permanent employment as atenured associate professor. For information about attaining tenure, see‘Tenure review and the tenure-track assistant professorship’ below.

The associate professorship is full time and tenured.

Applicants must state the category of position (tenure-track assistantprofessor or tenured associate professor) for which they are applying.Applications in which this is not specified will not be considered.

The appointment begins on 1 January 2025, or as soon as possible thereafter.
The School of Communication and Culture is committed to diversity andencourages all qualified applicants to apply regardless of their personalbackground.

The position
We are looking for an applicant with a specialisation in the history of theUnited States of America or a closely related field in American studies.Candidates with an interdisciplinary orientation towards one or more areas thatbridge the humanities and social sciences (such as cultural studies or genderstudies) are particularly welcome to apply.

We envision a colleague concerned not only with American history, society,politics and culture but also with the processes whereby societies and culturesinteract and influence each other. Individuals able to contribute to thedevelopment of our students’ knowledge, skills and competences in subjectsrelated to interculturality (such as migration and transnational identities)are encouraged to apply.

In sum, we are looking for an innovative and dedicated applicant who willenhance the research and teaching profiles of the department nationally andinternationally and contribute to Aarhus University’s core activities in theareas of research, teaching and supervision, talent development and knowledgeexchange.

We particularly welcome applications from Americanists with a global,international and/or transatlantic focus, whose research foregrounds therelations between the United States and the wider world. Applicants workingwithin, across and beyond national boundaries are encouraged to demonstrate howtheir research connects American history and society with multiple otherEnglish-language nations and cultures.

The successful applicant will be expected to take a role in developing researchin the areas of American history, society, politics and culture. The successfulapplicant will be expected to publish original peer-reviewed researchinternationally as well as making scholarly contributions to developmentswithin the field. The successful applicant will also be expected to contributeto research initiatives in relation to both the field of American history or aclosely related field in American Studies and the research community at thedepartment in terms of new collaborative research projects with internal andexternal partners and in terms of external research funding applications. Theability to demonstrate a relevant and dynamic interdisciplinary research agendawill be considered an advantage. Candidates with a demonstrated ability toemploy cutting-edge research methodologies to address complex questions arestrongly encouraged to apply.

02 August 2024

Read the full job description at theuniversity homepage



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Aarhus Kommune

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Aarhus Universitet, Jens Chr. Skous Vej, 8000 Aarhus C


Ansøgningsfrist: 23-07-2024; - ansøgningsfristen er overskredet

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Denne artikel er skrevet af Emilie Bjergegaard og data er automatisk hentet fra eksterne kilder, herunder JobNet.
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